Project Info EU·DO·IT

EU·DO·IT is an interactive multilingual language learning tool helping learners who need to rapidly acquire a basic A1 level. It supports their language learning, and it can complement formal language classes or self-learning activities. EU·DO·IT is being developed as part of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “European Digital Online-Game for Intercultural Learning and Translanguaging” (EU·DO·IT).

Project Duration: 01.12.2016 – 28.02.2019

Partner Institutions: Blaquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona, Spain), Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany), Istanbul University (Turkey), Lycée Michel Lucius (Luxembourg), Tallinn University (Estonia)

Project Lead and Coordination: Dr. Judith Buendgens-Kosten; Malte Schudlich, Prof. Dr. Daniela Elsner (all Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Project Members: Sander Aido (Tallinna Ülikool), Josep Manel Ballarin (Universitat Ramon Llull), Dr. Judith Buendgens-Kosten (Goethe University Frankfurt), Sarah Desplat (Lycée Michel Lucius Luxembourg), Prof. Dr. Daniela Elsner (Goethe University Frankfurt), Özlem Etuş (Istanbul University), Dilek Inal (Istanbul University), Viviane Lohe (Goethe University Frankfurt), Nathalie Pastore (Lycée Michel Lucius Luxembourg), Nizar Romdhane (Freie Universität Berlin), Sarah Schlitz (Lycée Michel Lucius Luxembourg), Malte Schudlich (Goethe University Frankfurt), Julia Schuhmacher (Goethe University Frankfurt), Dr. Martin Sillaots (Tallinna Ülikool), Dr. Caterina Sugranyes Ernest (Universitat Ramon Llull), Natalie Tiranno (Goethe University Frankfurt), Ruth Tobias (Freie Universität Berlin), Jacklyn Wilson (Universitat Ramon Llull)

Project rationale and Description

The increasing number of migrants and refugees entering the EU as well as internal European migration movements demand a rethinking of concepts regarding language learning and language acquisition. A successful integration of migrants, especially regarding participation in society, is directly linked to learning the language of the respective local society and the acquisition of cultural conventions. Language education must therefore be considered a priority for the successful inclusion of refugees and migrants.

The EU·DO·IT online language learning platform supports learners in their language learning process, both regarding language and cultural integration, by providing a multilingual tool based on the concept of translanguaging. It is an innovative language learning system for formal and informal learning settings alike. By providing translanguaging activities, EU·DO·IT actively supports multilingual education and incorporates already existing multilingual repertoires of the learners. EU·DO·IT not only supports the of a new language (L2) but also includes the first languages and previously studied languages of the learners. This supports the learning process and sustains the learners’ identity and self-awareness, while also increasing awareness for languages and the function of languages in general. EU·DO·IT therefore underlines the importance of learners’ existing linguistic knowledge and supports the further development of the learner´s  multilingual identity.

EU·DO·IT consists of two modules: Module 1 contains communicative scenarios for A1 language competencies (e.g. getting and providing information; describing people, objects, places; shopping; travelling; describing events in the past) in various languages. The scenarios further support interpersonal and communicative cultural competencies. EU·DO·IT users discover language(s) within the scenarios in a (serious) game based environment of complex, non-linear dialogues, enabling inter- and intra-sentential code-switching and -mixing. Module one comprises of a total of 137 „language roles“, spoken by 68 speakers in 8 languages.

Module 2 is based on the Erasmus+ language learning platform MElang-E and will be extended by EU·DO·IT, to include Turkish and Arabic. Learners are now able to practice their target language on a higher level and develop their cultural competencies.

Click here for the EU·DO·IT Credit List